Category Archives: … on the Brink

Computing on the Brink

What happens when the brightest technologists in the Puget Sound get together to talk, eat, drink and listen to each other?

Computing on the Brink will find out. RSVP.

Join us September 30 for Computing on the Brink – with a peak at Bio and Computing. Information exchange overlooking Elliott Bay.

Our area has a tremendous number of technologists working on a wide variety of projects involving computing. Meet them.

In both for-profit and non-profit settings they are exploring problems in  global health, personalized medicine, informatics and much more. Discuss their work.

Computing on the Brink will be an informal space for them to talk with peers and to hear presentations from this vast array of talent. Exchange knowledge.

Our invited guests will be Deepak Singh – Principal Product Manager, Amazon EC2 at Amazon Web Services , Sarah Killcoyne – Senior Software Engineer from the Institute of Systems Biology  and Jeff Paslay – President of Paslay Consulting.

Computing on the Brink will provide  a place where those who are working in the trenches can connect with others who are developing novel applications, running an Open Source project or perhaps supporting the information needs of others.They will be working at non-profit institutions or for-profit corporations. There might even be some interested laypeople in the mix.

The plan is to have an opportunity for networking with some good food and drink, along with a couple of short, informal (20 minute) presentations by exciting individuals from the region. These presentations will spark discussions on translating ideas into reality.

We will also discuss future topics.

EMC-Isilon has been kind enough to provide the space. Now we need you to provide the inspiration.

This should be an invigorating meeting in a wonderful location. If you would like to have some critical input, be sure to attend.

Hurry. Space is limited.

Computing on the Brink is part of the “… on the Brink” series presented by >SpreadingScience. These are events devoted to supporting the translation of exciting ideas into reality. SpreadingScience also hosts BioScience on the Brink – the next meeting is planned for October – and is in the planning stages for Emerging Science on the Brink.

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Exciting BioScience on the Brink on Tuesday

We had a wonderful group of people meeting for the first BioScience on the Brink meeting at the Eastlake Bar and Grill.

About 25 people attended, enjoying the hamburgers, potato skins, beer and the SUN! Yep, that big yellow ball came out and actually warmed us all up.

Yet Chris Fox’s presentation on adjuvant research at the Infectious Disease Research Institute was able to pull almost everyone inside to listen.

We had some wonderful conversations, with a pretty overwhelming desire to continue these events. I am already working on the next one to be held in around September.

Below are some pictures from the meeting. Hope to see you there next time.

Some quick photos before the event got started.

BoB outside

BoB inside

Chris Fox and adjuvants

BoB fox

And his rapt audience

BoB audience