Ubiquity is hot

The ‘Ubiquitous’ web:
[Via business|bytes|genes|molecules]

MozillaImage via Wikipedia
All of you know about it already, but I shall happily add to the noise. Last evening I had one of those “Holy S**t” moments. Was sitting in a coffee shop, catching up with the days news, when I saw a flurry of activity on Friendfeed around Ubiquity. Turns out Ubiquity is a new project by Mozilla Labs, which for want of a better description is like Quicksilver for the browser, a mini command line available with an Alt-space.


Ubiquity looks to be very interesting and useful. It will be nice to use this for various science mashups. One more reason to use Firefox.

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Blogging on research

sand by fdecomite
More on bloggers and OA:
[Via Open Access News]
Bora Zivkovic, ResearchBlogging.org, v.2.0, A Blog Around the Clock, August 29, 2008.

… [W]e took a little look [at the new release of ResearchBlogging.org] at the PLoS HQ and noticed that out of 87 pages of ‘all results’ there are 8 pages of ‘PLoS’ results – implying that about 10% of all the [ResearchBlogging.org] posts are on PLoS papers from all seven journals – and of those, 4 pages are just on PLOS ONE papers – which is about 5%. All I can say is w00t! for Open Access – when bloggers can read, bloggers will write.

ResearchBlogging demonstrates how blogging can be used to disburse information. The individual writers serve as excellent filters. It is like a journal club online, providing a way to cut through some of the jargon in a paper and see what its real relevance is.

It is one step above “Hey, did you see the paper in the latest Blood about X?” Now when an interesting paper is found, a short synopsis, with the proper attribution is available to a large network.

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