How podcasts work


Video: Podcasting in Plain English | Common Craft – Explanations In Plain English:
[Via Common Craft]

These videos are always worth watching and do a wonderful job explaining how many Web 2.0 tools work. The videos can be downloaded and embedded into intranet pages for employees, allowing them to better understand the technologies.

The fact that these videos use such a low tech approach to teaching about high tech tools make them very original and eye-catching.

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Fighting malaria with Web 2.0

mosquito by aussiegall
Social networking site aims to help fight malaria:
[Via News at Nature – Most Recent]

New website gives smaller African projects a bigger profile.

An interesting approach – using social networking tools to help increase awareness of anti-malaria projects and help fundraising effort. It is a novel way to use some of these tools but I wonder if these would be more successful as a stand alone project or under the wings of larger social media entities?

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