A great analysis of what the post-PC era really means

The Post-PC era will be a multi-platform era
[Via asymco]

Windows Phone Marketplace has reached 25,000 apps. That’s an impressive figure given that so few devices have actually been sold. Compared with Android which is activating half a million devices per day, Windows Phone seems like a rounding error. According to Gartner, 3.6 million smartphones using a Microsoft mobile OS were sold in the first quarter of 2011, of which 1.6 million were Windows Phone 7. That implies a daily activation rate of 17,500 per day or one WP device for every 28 Android devices.

And yet the number of apps on Windows Phone is more than 10% of the number of Android apps and Android Apps are about half of iPhone apps. As far as Windows Phone is concerned, apps are being added faster than users. Why is this?

If we take the point of view that mobile platforms behave like the computing platforms of years gone by (i.e. Windows vs. Mac) then this is inexplicable. Developers should not be bothering with a distant third. This would be like betting on the Amiga in the era of Windows.

But we’re not in the PC era any more. That era had very high software development costs. It had very difficult software distribution channels (retail box sales typically) and very few categories of software with high price points. It was also dominated by institutional buyers which did not give quarter to small vendors. It was also a time when there were orders of magnitude fewer users and even fewer buyers.


The barriers to entry are now extremely low and those groups that can organize a rapid development cycle – months not years – will be in position to become very successful. There will be a need for fewer blockbusters to sustain development as costs will be lower.

And we will see the same sort of economics invade almost every place where creativity and innovation are the driving motors of an industry. Music, video, film, and even health and medicine. Instead of large hierarchical companies creating what we need, we will see flat, highly networked incubators of creativity.